One of those sport events is "Ladies' day". Initiative to promote healthy lifestyle and get together. The meaning of this event is to walk or run 5 or 10km and at the same time have fun. This year the event took place 15th of May. Organisation as usually in Finland was perfect. First registration, some time to hang around, then warm up lead by ladies from a fitness centre:

I have to admit I was surprised by the number of all participants. The event had also fun part which was competition for most entertaining costume:

Participants wearing the funniest costumes were awarded a prize: sticks for Nordic walk. I was in one of the lucky winners and even if I have never considered Nordic walk very appealing type of sport I have tried it and it is really nice way to relax. After reaching the finish line each participant received a little gift for accomplishing the distance:

The "Ladies' day" is only one of numerable sport events organised in Kuopio region. They are great opportunity to get together. Finns are usually so busy with work that they often don't have time to meet and socialise. That is why this sports events are often a great opportunity to take care of human social needs and contribute to overall well being of the society.
Pics by courtesy of Piotr Rutkowski.
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