Quick note about advertising. We are surrounded by them, if we like or not. They interrupt watching movies, shout at as from billboards and annoyingly pop up when we browse the Internet - sometimes despite pop-up blocking software. They are annoying, most of us claim that they have no effect on us, on our choices. I think that they do - to a lesser or bigger extent. I could possibly live with that. Especially that in Finland there is relatively little outdoor advertising, which in most cases is just "polluting" architecture of the area. Not only in Finland - most likely everywhere.
But when a huge advertising TV screen is placed on a busy intersection it makes me really angry. Changing colours on the display are unnecessary additional stimulus, when the drivers should focus on the traffic. What is the benefit for such an installation? Apart of course from money for the company that builds such advertising displays. Drivers should focus on driving, not on reading ad display....
And one more thing. We all know that there are ways to make an ad look like a plain article in the newspaper or in the Internet portal. This leads to a situations when such disturbing headline in the news section "Ghoulish cold-blooded murder" is followed by an ad "Win romantic weekend for two". Maybe I am getting old but there are two issues that annoy me. First: media focus more and more on sensation, bombshells rather than "normal" journalism. This is probably related to the instant culture that we live in - we are only shaken by awful tragedies, huge cataclysms or big wars... And we want this sort of information.
Second thing that annoys me: how can such a silly ad can be shown just under the headline about the tragic news? It hurts my eyes and my sense of what's appropriate and what's not. Why couldn't there be (if there have to be ads at all) at least some context related ads?
OK, enough complaining for today...
Until next time!
Woskowe tabliczki zapachowe
7 years ago